Family Connections Center Inc, 'The Circle'
Family Connections Center Inc was founded after a chance encounter with a homeless youth.
This meeting sparked a partnership with the South Dakota Youth Action Board, a group of remarkable young leaders dedicated to addressing youth housing insecurities in our community and state.
Together, we strive to empower and support vulnerable youth in overcoming housing insecurities.
Our mission is to empower and support youth and young adults, families, and survivors in overcoming obstacles by providing housing, supportive services, access to mental and physical well-being, connection to community, education and workforce development, and advocacy, ultimately leading to independence.
We envision a community where all youth, and young adults, families, and survivors, inclusive of all intersecting identities, are supported, equal, and thriving.
We recognize thriving as a community means all youth, and young adults, families and survivors, inclusive of all intersecting identities, orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, age, ability status, class, faith, and social characteristics are equal.
As a nonprofit, we seek to fill gaps in South Dakota, primarily the Rapid City area, as a youth and young adult, family and survivors Drop-In and Transitional Housing Centers, with supportive services, prevention, education and community advocacy.
Family Connections Center Inc was born from a chance encounter with a homeless youth in 2019, highlighting the growing population of unaccompanied houseless youth aged 16-24 in South Dakota and across the nation. Recognizing the lack of support for these vulnerable individuals, our nonprofit was established with a mission to empower youth to live independently.
Drop-In Center for youth ages 16-24
Location: 706 E Monroe Street
Hours: 1pm-8pm Monday through Saturday
Population Served: Unaccompanied Youth ages 16-24 and their household under the age of 25, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Coordinated Entry Access Site: Coordinated entry access points to provide assessment, prioritization, and referrals.
Supportive Services: Supportive services tailored to meet the unique needs of qualified youth, in alignment with HUD guidelines of homelessness (Literally homeless, Imminent risk of homelessness, Fleeing DV or Trafficking). Our program focuses on preventing homelessness and facilitating rapid resolution for youth at risk or currently experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Services offered either onsite or referral partnerships: Diversion from Homelessness, Rapid Resolution to At-Risk and Homelessness, Family Reunification, Continued Education, Workforce Development, Mental Health and Physical Health Needs, Life Skills Training, Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Parenting Supports, Relative or Kinship Caregiver Resources, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support and or Treatment, Housing Search Assistance, Landlord-Tenant Mediation, Legal Services, Utility or Security Deposits, One-Time Moving Assistance, Rental Application Fees, Utility or Rental Arrears Referral.
Youth Transitional Housing
Location: Multiple Locations, Group Home Environment
Hours: 8a-5p Mon-Fri to reach Case Management
Population Served: Literally Homeless unaccompanied Youth ages 18-24 and their household under the age of 25, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Length of Support: Up to 24 months.
Supportive Services offered: Focus is on education, employment, and other life skills to work towards independent living.
Youth Safe Place Emergency Shelter
Location: Rapid City, Group Home Environment
Hours: 11pm-7am 7 days per week
Population Served: Literally Homeless unaccompanied Youth ages 18-24, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Supportive Services: Referral and Transportation to The Circle Drop-In Center for Case Management. See Drop-In Center for explanation of supports.
Youth Rapid Rehousing Program
Location: Tenant Based Rental, Tenant choice, HUD Fair Market Rent used.
Hours: 8a-5p Mon-Fri to reach Case Management
Population Served: Literally Homeless unaccompanied Youth ages 18-24 and their household under the age of 25, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Length of Support: Rental Assistance and Supportive Services up to 24 months.
Supportive Services offered: Focus is on education, employment, and other life skills to work towards independent living.
Home ARP (American Rescue Plan)
Location: 706 E Monroe Street office, Tenant Based Rental, Tenant choice, HUD Fair Market Rent used.
Hours: 8a-5p Monday through Friday to reach Case Management
Population Served: All ages, head of household over 18, and their dependents under the age of 18, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Length of Support: Prevention, and or Rental Assistance and Supportive Services up to 24 months.
Coordinated Entry Access Site: Coordinated entry access points to provide assessment, prioritization, and referrals.
Supportive Services: Supportive services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual and family, in alignment with HUD guidelines of homelessness (Literally homeless, Imminent risk of homelessness, Fleeing DV or Trafficking). Our program focuses on preventing homelessness and facilitating rapid resolution for at risk or those currently experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Services offered either onsite or referral partnerships: Diversion from Homelessness, Rapid Resolution to At-Risk and Homelessness, Family Reunification, Continued Education, Workforce Development, Mental Health and Physical Health Needs, Life Skills Training, Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Parenting Supports, Relative or Kinship Caregiver Resources, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support and or Treatment, Housing Search Assistance, Landlord-Tenant Mediation, Legal Services, Utility or Security Deposits, One-Time Moving Assistance, Rental Application Fees, Utility or Rental Arrears.
LIFE (Live Independently and Flourish with Empowerment)
Location: 706 E Monroe Street office, Transitional Housing Multiple Locations, Tenant Based Rental, Tenant choice, HUD Fair Market Rent used.
Hours: 8a-5p Monday through Friday to reach Case Management
Population Served: Survivor Program, Fleeing DV, or Trafficking, all ages head of household over 18, and their dependents under the age of 18, referred through Coordinated Entry, Family Connections cannot self-refer, all referrals come through Coordinated Entry and from the Continuum of Care, South Dakota Housing Development Authority.
Length of Support: Transitional Housing, Prevention, and or Rental Assistance and Supportive Services up to 24 months.
Coordinated Entry Access Site: Coordinated entry access points to provide assessment, prioritization, and referrals.
Supportive Services: Supportive services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual and family, in alignment with HUD guidelines of homelessness (Literally homeless, Fleeing DV or Trafficking). Our program focuses on preventing homelessness, offering safety to relocate for survivors and facilitating rapid resolution for at risk or those currently experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Services offered either onsite or referral partnerships: Survivor support through collaboration with WAVI, Diversion from Homelessness, Safety to relocate for survivors, Rapid Resolution to At-Risk and Homelessness, Family Reunification, Continued Education, Workforce Development, Mental Health and Physical Health Needs, Life Skills Training, Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Parenting Supports, Relative or Kinship Caregiver Resources, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support and or Treatment, Housing Search Assistance, Landlord-Tenant Mediation, Legal Services, Utility or Security Deposits, One-Time Moving Assistance, Rental Application Fees, Utility or Rental Assistance.
Eligibility All Programs
Clients are referred through the South Dakota Homeless Management Information System's Coordinated Entry are eligible for our programs. Candidate selection is conducted through the South Dakota Coordinated Entry System, guaranteeing fair and equal access to our services.
The Circle, Drop-In Center offers Supportive Services by appointment from 8a-5p Mon-Fri, and Drop-In Social Activities for youth from 3p-7p Mon-Fri, and 11a-7p on Sat, closed Sunday. Book an appointment below or call for assistance.
706 East Monroe Street, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, United States
(605) 716-0422 by Phone or (605) 349-1880 Phone or Text
Open today | 03:00 pm – 07:00 pm |
Drop-In hours for social and emotional activities for youth 16-24 are 3pm-7pm Monday through Saturday.
Appointments are scheduled Monday through Friday 8am-5pm through our 'Schedule an Appointment' page at SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT or by clicking the tab above.
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